100 Word Challenge #33

It was a Friday afternoon when the sun was set. Emily and her Mum were having fish and chips on Balmoral wharf. Their feet dangling down over the slightly cold and sandy wood and their mouth was stuffed with food. All of a sudden the silence broke when a bird swooped down and grabbed one of Emily’s chips. She screamed in fright and closed her eyes tightly, throwing her food in the water. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down. Floating on the water were her fish and chips with pestering birds covering her dinner. Emily looked at her mum, sighed in relief, and then burst into laughter.

100 Word Challenge #30

……….Suddenly the pain in my arm……….

Strolling along the gritty white sand the wind blows into my face like a cold fan on high. In my right hand are my thongs and in my left a green and white strped surfboard.

I head down the the beach shore where the white water froths. I gently dip my toe in the cold sea, all i can see is the sun and the horizon it is just like an egg sunny side up.

I flap my board onto tyhe water causing ripples all around me, surrounding me as if i am a famous celebrity . I slowly paddle out a wave come over my head causing me to get drenched and shtter my teeth because i’m cold.

I paddle until i see an amazing wave i paddle really fast to try catch up to it in a hurry i turn around i see a shark fin heading towards me i extend my arm as far as it can go suddenly the pain in my arm hits me like a knife was just thrown into my arm and keeps getting worse!