Blog Rules

  1. Never use your full name. Instead, use your first name, a nickname or alias.
  2. Never tell personal information – yours or others. For example-don’t give addresses, phone numbers or school names
  3. Think about the audience and what you want them to read or see.
  4. Never post pictures of others (for example a school concert or excursion) without their permission.
  5. Consider privacy (yours and others). Always .
  6. Don’t post or upload media that may be copyright restricted. Look for creative commons licences.
  7. Consider copyright before you post media such as text, photographs, images, video and music. Ask your teacher if you are unsure.
  8. Consider embedding or linking to media if you are unsure of copyright permissions.
  9. Use original material that you have created.
  10. Don’t post any hurtful comments or images of others
  11. Be thoughtful of the feelings of others.

Posts and comments written on blogs are checked by Ms M before we publish them.

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